Need 3 for fresh run 315+ msg gt UnderYaBed for invite
335 titan looking for 5. At oryx. Gt same as above.
Lf team. 321 hunter w/ exp. Can run anything you need. Gt same
Need 4 for fresh run msg Gt UnderYaBed with light and class for invite
335 hunter looking for anything upto warpriest my mic broke but can still hear through it gt lukelammert
335 titan looking for fresh or totems. No Mic, because I'm not a trash scrub like you. Pretty sure I'm far better than you at everything. So nut up, put your ego aside and just play. Gt Princess Vers x Please no annoying racist idiots that blab and use meta crap. Read before inviting, losers that NEED to hear others voices to feel comfortable. . Lol
335 titan looking for fresh or totems. No Mic, because I'm not a trash scrub like you. Pretty sure I'm far better than you at everything. So nut up, put your ego aside and just play. Gt Princess Vers x Please no annoying racist idiots that blab and use meta crap. Read before inviting, losers that NEED to hear others voices to feel comfortable. . Lol
Need 3 for hard oryx cp Challenge. 320+. In game message cl0secall with light and class. No squeakers.
Level 323 Titan looking for HARD FRESH/OR TOTEMS START TO FINISH RUN and oryx challenge, I have Tom and spindle and can hold gaze if needed. Send me invite or message to MDH Jcoxy
Need 4 for fresh. 334 hunter 334 hunter. Be 320+ exp with challenge. Msg gt
Oryx cp hard mode Message gt for inv Need 3 Mic required
334 Hunter And Warlock Lfg For Fresh Or Totems
Need a group for fresh run 316+ with mic gt is DEXXAL
335 titan hosting fresh run Be 330 plus Know oryx challenge Gt wspdiscgolfer
Need 5 for golg. 325+ must know what they're doing Msg for inv
Hosting a fresh run. Need 4 310+ .That includes titans. Please know what your doing. Msg death956 for invite . Include character.
Need 4 for fresh run. 2 titans needed. Message with light level and class.
335 Titan, need 5 for fresh
Message Marlboro specss lv.314 oryx cp need 1 more hard
334 lock looking for oryx on hard. GT is same for Xbox one
334 hunter looking for fresh or totems
Need 3 for totems hard message me class and lvl and must know what your doing
Need one 330 plus looking to run totems up. Must know how to do challenge and be commited to full run and have mic. Message KrypticKnight13 for inv.
Need 3 for totems message me class and lvl for inv must know what your doing
334 warlock looking to join at sisters Got a lot of experience with raid Gt same as above, inv me
Need 2 for fresh. 325+. Don't suck. Message above name.