originally posted in:Is That A Minotaur
Looking start a fresh normal raid today. Reply if your interested. LF some experienced people and if we get a couple new that is fine also.
Update: The Raid is going to be at 1800 MST 2000 EST
The following have slots:
marineice5 LH
Cobia Snook
Fit Kisto
akz SHHHDieNow
I'm down for that Gamer tag: BSLC13
If you are not going to make it just private message me so we can fill your slot. Thanks
Will be on from 11pm gmt cleared up to war priest previously but have watched vids and a fast learner.
Edited by aKz SHHHDieNow: 10/28/2015 11:00:32 PMI'm game for a fresh normal raid going to use my 302 hunter my gamer tag is aKzSHHHDieNow done the raid at least 10 to 15 times just have bad loot luck
I can raid at 8 PM eastern, if that's doable. GT. Fit Kisto
if you start it at 8pm eastern time I'm game.
Edited by TyRaNiCrEvOlVeR: 10/28/2015 5:46:44 PMI will give it a whirl IV never done the raid to completion I wont be off work till 5pm central time When do you plan on starting?
I'm game