originally posted in:Infamous Reapers Elite
to me, there is a humanizing element to grinding out a new charector. That meaning, it seriously aggravates you and drives you bonkers. lol, well this week, it has been a major grind for me to get to level 30 from 12 with my titan. However with a good group of people i managed to get there, Id like to publically thank vets who have been here and dragged my ass threw raids. Scotsmen and timnicker dragging me through and helping me with rocs. Darth, hendo, Midway,dragonforce, striker, flyingscot,pip, the list goes on. Also like to point out two newbs to the clan that were there dragging me as well and helping me through. Thank you Dom_Rowe and Sleepysmoo (even though we had to wake you up on more then one occasion) I tried including everyone that has helped me out this week, however its not an easy task cause of the grind and the amount of people in and out. if i forgot anyone I am sorry, just been an insane week. Thank you all. oh, shit, i still gotta get dragged through crota hard for my leg and and arms, lol
No problem Codair anytime
its not a problem man anytime, i got dragged through a few raids when i first started out doing raids thanks to DarthHawkes bringing me into an awesome bunch of lads, with that being said i will help anyone that needs help as i have received so much help over the past 3 weeks, and wont put it past me to help anyone who needs it.
Your more than welcome my friend, it's been a pleasure to help you along mate and it's nothing you have'nt done for me and countless others.
Anytime u need help bro ask. I don't mind. Gotta do two hard cps tonight btw. Muahahaha...