originally posted in:Infamous Reapers Elite
Hi all just wanted to make my availability known to everyone
I don't mind whether we do Tuesday or Wednesday and then Friday or Saturday. Bear in mind I am 5 hours ahead so weekdays it would be good around 4/5 pm your times( Central etc.) which is 9/10 pm. Weekends I am open. Because it has been a real surprising and enjoyable experience to game with clan mates I have never run with before on the weekends I really don't care if you want to run later as I will get up and on at anytime that suits the majority. So come on Team, let Broken know your times and let's keep the momentum going. As you can probably tell I am well up for this.
While I have your attention we may want to think about our Flawless attempt now that the other teams have either completed or are preparing for. There is a link above to a suggested Crota attempt but I think we also nee to consider VOG normal?
You can do it!!!! You got a great line up there!!:)
Wednesdays and Fridays work for me (Tuesdays, I'm usually trying to knock out all three Nightfalls ASAP and am often burnt out afterwards) as well as most weekends. As far as times, the ones you mentioned generally work for me (give or take an hour or so). Just a heads up: tonight and probably a lot of the weekend I'll be in Iron Banner so that my warlock doesn't haven't to look like gypsy dog collar Dracula! Aside from that, I'm usually all PVE all the time. I'm slightly scared of attempting a flawless run, but just like Death, to Fear we reapers say "NOT TODAY!"
Good luck! Doing it in crota was a little hairy