i'm interested in bein' part of a regular raid group. i'm lvl31 just need chest peice to be lvl32 warlock and psn is BlankHugs
I have an interest. What days and times were you considering?
Really interested. I struggle finding groups. Only just managed to get raids done thanks to this clan. PSN philfoofighter
Add for any raids please lvl 31 titan
I have two 30+ guardians I run each week. I like to get it done by the weekend if I can. I'm in NZ which is roughly a day ahead of the PST so hit me up.
I would be interested. I was finally able to get some raid experience last week thanks to this Clan. I'm a level 31 titan.
Im down. In past experience tuesday and thursdays were a good system. Psn id f_e_princess
I'm almost game any day, Thursday's are maybes, just cuz of work Psn: ChROmeYOURdoME
Count me in. Games on between 5 and 11:00 est 32 lock x2 31 titan (just need shards)
I'm interested. Lvl 31 Titan psn: searat74. Mostly play Fridays and Saturdays after 10pm est.
Level 32 Hunter Level 32 Warlock Level 31 Titan (Missing Gauntlets for lvl 32)
Hit me up. I got 2 32's just levelig up this armor i can be 32 at any moment add me psn jokersmile_xX
Vog tonight around 800 est
Edited by RyPheareon: 1/12/2015 4:28:22 PMThe hope behind this is to knock the raids out as quickly as possible as we play with the same people we learn what they are good at and where they are not. it will prevent us from doing the same parts over and over like we end up doing with random people because either they are not that good or they have only done them once or twice.