originally posted in:Infamous Reapers Elite
I need to know who will be on at 4am-5am eastern time right after reset for a fresh crota run on hard... Please do not say you can be there and not show... Saying you will come and not coming will end up in your spot in my raid group to be taken...
Are we on for this week same time again?
I'll be down for all reset activity. Really hoping to be of help. Working on my last 32. Need those shards!
I'm in add me HNTEisHERE I get off at 1am EST
Work calls during the week. Will be on Friday and Saturday night. "See" you then!
I am in. Send me invite when ready I will already be on. Maybe doing nightfAll with HUAFC.
Unfortunately i have that damn thing called work-_- wish i could..