Edited by Vercingetorix07: 1/6/2015 5:49:06 PM[b]Confluxes -[/b] When it gets to 2 and 3 confluxes, have teams of 2 spread out on the arena to cover more ground. When the legions are summoned, hide in the Spirit Bloom Chest Room and pick off the harpies from there. Much safer! [b]Oracles -[/b] Wipe and snipe them from high cliff. One person needs to be on "blind spot" duty behind the right pillar gap for sniping. Have a sunsinger start the Oracles by falling close to, but not touching the bottom floor as he wipes off the cliff (bubble will still be on top where you are all at) and rez back on cliff to assist. (Otherwise, 5 people are more than enough - Ice Breaker, VoC, or other high-power snipers needed) [b]Templar - [/b]Teams of 3 on each side; the side with the relic holder should allow the relic to smash harpies ASAP for max shield drop opportunities. While doing so, keep flanking harpies off relic's back and watch for oracles. When shield goes down on Templar, wait a sec to check if detained, then fire Rockets, otherwise fire weapons immediately while relic recharges super. Rinse and Repeat [b]Gorgons -[/b] On Normal, run straight through (no skill involved other than moving as a group - no stragglers!) On Hard, use the large cliff to walk up and fly over the gorgons from above. Wait for patrol patterns to reset, then when an open window presents itself, drop down and leg it to the cave exit AS A GROUP. [b]Jumping Puzzle -[/b] Not hard; All classes can do it. [b]Gatekeeper - [/b]After killing first one, 2 each on portal defense, 1 each inside portal. Both soloing portal people can kill off their respective Gatekeeper with Ice Breaker/ G-Horn with little issue. Since both Gatekeepers are being killed simultaneously, the center conflux will spawn AFTER one of the portal people kills their Gatekeeper - try to sync Gatekeeper kills or just be quick, get the relic, and get out FAST. Put 1 relic at each portal for defense with 2 people at the minotaur stairs, and the remaining 2 to assist the relics. Fend off enemies until loot drop. [b]Atheon -[/b] Flip a coin, LOL. If heads, you win. If tails, Atheon glitches and you wipe. Rinse and Repeat til Heads. OK, on a serious note, at least 4 people should be able to handle the relic. Tell your team which portal you need opened and be quick about killing the oracles. When you all regroup, do so at the center island. Then relic puts up infinite shield - the other 5 fire off all non-rocket weapons at Atheon. (Can use Titan bubble for damage boost if desired. Place bubble in far back to not obstruct other players' shots!) Rinse and Repeat til Atheon melts. I think I covered just about everything. If any other vets would like to chime in, I'm all for it. Honestly, there are multiple ways to do the VoG raid. This is just the routine I used when my group used to run it.
Pretty simple but when vs aetheon if you don't get teleported a handy trick to know where your team has been teleported is if you see on the radar a arrow pointing to the top right it means they're in Venus and in the bottom left they are in Mars its a bit confusing to get at first but once you get the hang of it headsets Arnt even necessary sometimes
Another important tip is when defending the centre conflux the vex can teleport right up to it and sacrifice so make sure your always checking your radar and checking the conflux
Edited by Eightss: 1/6/2015 5:24:07 PMOpen Mars first after gatekeeper dies. Try not to push praetorians back through portal because they will spawn directly on the conflux. My squad uses the middle bubble strategy in which the relic holder holds l1 or lb and keeps up the cleanse shield, with a weapons of light defender sheiks behind it. My squad of 30 and 31 can do hard mode in 2 times vengeance Edit. Mars has 4 letters so does left. Venus has 5 so does right
Templar : after defending all conflucts everyone go to right just cleanse instead of shooting oracles and then you candeal as much damage together as a fireteam (this is my opinion with my raid group may be different for you)
One Strategy I have been trying with lower level teammates is having the Low Level players take the relic and taking care of the ADS with guns. If there is a Golden Gun or Gjally in the group it is not only safer but quicker and plus it lets the higher level players take care of the Oracles much faster.
My favorite Templar method. Once you got rid of all the oracles and the relic shows up, kill yourselves so that you can respawn. Then, one high-leveled player grabs the relic while everyone else stays up on the ledge. Equip some sniper rifles. This tactic is good because you get an omnipotent view on the oracles, and you can shoot the templar. Note that if the relic holder dies or if you miss an oracle, you're screwed.