Kush Blowin Guardians
"Together we stand.... Divided we fall....."
originally posted in:Kush Blowin Guardians
For those of you who have been here since day 1, you've seen the clan grow into something I never even thought it would be. I have met some amazing people. And you all have touched my heart in some way, shape, or form. I appreciate all of you. You guys are my family. And that's how a clan should be... is our clan larger than some... yes, But that's just more to love. I have become closer to some of you than others and some I don't even know, but if you wear the "KBG" clan tag then you are family in my eyes. No matter if I play with you daily or every once in a blue moon. I remember how this all came to be... me, carrico and either str82dadome420 or Ryley51 were running the nightfall, it was right after dark below had came out, and it was omnigul. We were talking about getting a legit group of people together so we could raid and game with. The next morning the KBG was born. And now almost a year later, I am blessed and glad to say that I am a part of a clan, no a family, who I can enjoy gaming and hanging out with for hours and hours at a time. And that's what it's all about. That's what I wanted from the start. For those of you in the clan who are new or old and have not experienced this from the clan your missing out. Every time were in a party chat, there is always laughs for days. Some people get irritated when we -blam!- around when we run shit like raids and such... but that's just us having a good ol time. When it come times to get shit done, it gets done. Enough of this mushy shit thou. I just wanted to say that this clan wouldn't be what it is today with out all of you guys. You ALL make it special. You all are willing to help out whenever you have the chance. Without you guys, this clan wouldn't exsist. I hope we can keep this going for years to come.
See you in orbit soon....