Do what Datto did Mr. fruit, but do it with the dream team. NO GUNS. NOT A SINGLE BULLET. Win the game. On skirmish.
Mr. Fruit I got a challenge for ya You have to go positive in crucible but you can only get kills if you are in the air
Hope he sees this
I got a challenge, steal one of the little engrams on cosmo's table and fling it into the audience.
Edited by RAINBOWDONUTs21: 8/21/2015 12:44:33 PMMr Fruit iv got a challenge for ya! Go positive with only sniper no scopes. No melee, no supers, no heavy ammo. Gt: RAINBOWDONUTs21 Crucible type (clash, control, ect) does not matter.
I have a challenge for Mr fruitcake... Be less gay. I'm betting he fails the challenge.
Don't die on the Dreadnought.
Edited by Yoder023: 8/20/2015 2:39:06 PMMR FRUIT: Grounded challenge: No jumping/gliding/blink at all. Stay on the ground. Get at least 1.25 K/D
Edited by ThunderDemon2 : 8/20/2015 12:41:30 AMMr. Fruit, I've got a challenge for you! No scope 5+ people in crucible with sniper [b][u]NO QUICK SCOPING[/u][/b] Exotics allowed Grenade, super and melee kills don't count.
Play rumble with all your controls changed and inverted. And no exotics.
You have to finish a Crucible match with full ammo on every gun. Including Heavy.
iv'e got a challenge, read this forum post, he will never find it if he's not looking for it,and he probably won't ever try and look for it, infact all the posting on the topic are useless cause he will NEVER see any of them, you're to insignificant to him and he couldn't give less shits about you. Sorry if i hurt anyone's feelings, but this is a general law with any youtuber, if you weren't his best friend BEFORE he became a youtuber, he'll never notice your face out of the crowd of millions
Hey Mr. Fruit......... I've got a challenge for you. Defeat skolas solo with no weapons glitch with inverted controls at 1 sensitivity without breaking bonds or using abilities. Let's see if anyone can top this one! ( ur the best fruit!)
Go in combined arms when its back and you are only allowed to use your super or vehicles including turrets that you find. No guns, melees, or grenades. At the end of the game however many more deaths than kills is how many pieces of gear you have to dismantle.
I challenge you Mr. Fruit during next week's stream to say "fruit" at least 50 times.
I got a challenge for you. Go positive. That's all.
Here's a challenge: Go postitve.... Without jumping at all. No glide, double jump, or lift. God help you. :)
Edited by AustinTamf: 8/18/2015 4:32:59 PMBubble kills. You can only kill people inside of a titan bubble. You and the victim must be in the bubble. Enemy, friend, or your own bubble. Can't kill any way with anything unless you and the victim are in the bubble.
Mr. Fruit I got a challenge for ya. Play an entire game of rumble with your controls inverted. Also you must only use no land beyond.
Kill Skolas using only Nechrochasm
Mr fruit I got a challenge for ya Play a crucible game with no gear higher than green goal is to get 10 kills
Play skirmish and you must be top score with only assist and melee kills. No guns allowed
Idk who fruit is but he's the next popular twitch person that will play TTK right? My challenge is to ask questions like Gothalion did. I fyou feel you can do it with out his adhd prowess then by all means, please do! While i don't play much at all and won't be getting TTK i am REALLY excited to see the reveal. No so much for the game, ok, a little, more for the person who they have on live. I mean you can ask whatever you want! They can't get you fired from you job bro. You don'thave to be mean, that wouldn't be fun, just slip in some tough questions here and there when you catch a recycled piece or.......idk, you're the game nerd! You could really make this interesting like king gollathion did. THAT was memorable. First twitch i'd ever watched at that point. Goodluck. *Hope you guys are talking about the same dude i am lol, nvm otherwise
Here's an interesting idea: Dream team: Skirmish funny moments Here are the rules: 1. You must take turns with blue, rhabby, and yourself to get kills ( For example: you kill 1 person, now, you must go pacifist mode, until Blue gets a kill. After blue gets a kill, now it's rhabbys turn to try and get a kill. And the cycle continues to go around.) 2. Your combined scores must be at least 2000 points 3. The only weapons you may use are Suros regime, melee, and grenades. Good luck Mr. Fruit!
Challenge try to make rhabby v no salty
I've got a challenge for you. Need you to be honest with the bungie stream and say if ttk is being overhyped for the price it's being put on. Is it really worth $40 or are we being fooled again?