"There's nothing worse than death coming at you and nothing you can do about it"
Space Cowboy ONLINE!!
He's coming! HE'S COMING! -Mr Fruit 2015
All of Mr Fruits rude remarks to the forth holy horseshit at once OH MY GAWD!!! I can kill space sabers with this. Now I can get kills just as fast as I run out of ammo!
Rahool is great (a joke in itself) Rahool is Groot Let us thank him For our loot. By his hands We all are erotic So give us Lord (or RNGesus if ur a real fruit) Our daily (pause for emphases) [b]EXOTIC[/b]
What a successful arc blade that was… said no one ever
Space saber
Arch side
[quote]This is where we will see what Funny Things Mr Fruit says in videos.[/quote] "Oh my god he's a legend!"
Mr. Fruit i have a challenge for you... oh god
The 4th holyshit
Its official Im the best
GREEN F-ING FIRE -Mr. Fruit 2015 on the topic of the Necrochasm
[b]Oh Boy x 20[/b]
"Alright, hop on my back team" "I'm right 60% of the time.....100% of the time"
Edited by spartinblast17: 4/20/2015 9:51:09 PMSwiggity swooggity I am coming for that booty
Golden Penis
"I couldn't hit the broad side of a moisture evaporator!"
Alright team, let me hop on your back
Oh no... Golden penis.
-misses shoulder charge on hunter- -gets golden gunned- Nailed that!
[b]CHOO CHOO[/b] here comes the salt train
Success, is my only option I have said that in real life myself!