Rabby_V has to play a round of trails without cussing
Take a swig of wasabi or hot sauce after you have been hit by a thorn. (Multiple shots are counted as one if they are rapid) (Death by thorn means 2 swigs)
jump over the enemy at least once before you kill them
Play cruible without complaining
Edited by Onyx, Son of Carti: 8/6/2015 8:38:12 AMMr fruit. I got a challenge for ya. Before the match starts pick two (three if two is to hard ) buttons. Done? Sure about that? Don't want to change up a bit? These are the only buttons you can use. In a rumble match. Challenge is, get in the top three. By the way, R2 doesn't count. Shooting allowed so you pick two other buttons.
Play rumble and each time you die you have to delete an exotic weapon
Play a whole match WITHOUT Rhabby_V raging :p
Go to rahool, buy every engram, equip the items you received, keep everything else the same. Get 13 kills
When the heavy fusion rifle come out you can only use vex, any fusion rifle, and the heavy
Use only sniper but you have to only no scope and get 3 kills
Take a shot of bleach after every kill.
You have to delete your hawkmoon. That is the challenge.
Edited by AmazingNitrox z: 8/5/2015 9:51:57 PMYou can only use grenades
Play one game and get in the top 3 with playing with one hand and a rubber band
You must win a trials map with wight weapons only
Try and get close to copying triple wrecks montage in two games
Edited by Knight: 8/1/2015 4:36:48 AMMr fruit I've got a challenge for ya! Get at least 3 kills using only No land beyond. The catch? You must have inverted controls. Good luck!
This isn't a challenge but u should do another q&a with blue and rhabby
Make a video to where you're actually funny...
Go positive. With Necrochasm.
Play the whole game thinking your own teammates are the enemy.
You can only use an auto rifle. The catch, you can only reload if you have full health and no supers, melee, or grenades unless you have full health.
He is so annoying, I can't believe people actually watch his crap.
Get everyone in the crucible to dance in the middle for at least 10 seconds
Mr. Fruit I have a challenge for ya, Without the use of tweezers, grab my penis. Bet you can't.
Must go positive with No guns