Go into a crucible match and every time you die you have to switch the type of weapon you are using (hand cannons, pulse rifles, scout rifle, etc) and you have to get through all of them and also win
Get 6 titans together. Pack up and all try to kill the same target using shoulder charge only. I'd like to see 2 or 3 get cut down but then someone makes it! :P
Edited by ThePresident: 7/13/2015 4:24:33 PMPlay a trials match just using no land beyond or husk of the pit with out aiming
I would have said complete Crota on Hard flawless via a PS Vita. But... a clan member managed to check box that last week. So..... Skolas PoE 35 on remote play PSVita with an allowance of two wipes. As my clan mate put it. Those nubs aren't responsive like the controller.
You look cute today
Go positive using southpaw controls and inverted look or vice versa what you usually use
20 kills with necrochasm
Get a 3.0 I'd useing pocket unfitting in pvp
Get kills only with backstab. Must go positive
Edited by YummerBummer: 7/11/2015 11:05:17 PMSecondaries only? NLB, Universal Remote, and Vex Mythoclast do not count as secondaries.
You look fabulous today
Necrochasm only. No supers, no grenades, no Melee. Just Necrochasm. (Or lesser variants if you don't have it)
Go into trials as a level 20 with the only gun you can use is the khostov (however the hell you spell it) And you have to go positive in both the game and on your score card.
Backwards mobility: you must move backwards. You can look wherever you want when standing still, but you can only look backwards while moving
Change ur button and stick layout
Edited by HaloFanatic: 7/11/2015 11:02:59 PMTop of the leaderboard with Expansion 2 max RoF auto rifle with minimum stability only.
Fuel beam can't melt steel jet
Go into rumble and try to start a dance party
You can only shoot while in mid air
Go into rumble and try to start a dance party.
Go positive using only your primary weapon- nothing else
Mr. Fruit, you must kill people using only your heavy weapon.
melee and nades only
Kill in crucible but have to scope down sniper sight from the start.
Get a positive K/D using your feet instead of hands on the controller.
Edited by Notoriouz_Bean: 7/11/2015 10:49:31 PMPlay with your feet