Here's a real challenge. Be a pacifist for the other team, give them the entire zones in control, don't capture or neutralize a single one and still beat the enemy team. The Control Challenge . Can you beat our score of only making the enemy team have 17k points to our 20? Take a look https://youtu.be/a58cLT9tx1k
Mr fruit!! I got a challenge fo ya! [spoiler]go in the crucible, and precail on top [b]only[/b] using grenades[/spoiler]
Play and win a match of rumble only using the Khvostov.
Mr. Fruit Be on the top of the team by using ONLY Necrocasm
Dont say golden penis once during a whole game
Go crucible and only 360 headshot somebody with a sniper So when u se somebody jump do a 360 and (try to) snipe them!
Airborne kills only and stay over 0.7 kd
This is a challenge for the entire Dream Team; I call it... the Alley Oop challenge. I challenge you to get 750 points from Assists only. No kills, no captures, no revives. Just 15 Assists.
Play a match using your feet instead of hands on your controller.
Bump me please!
Put a blanket on the TV and just play by sound
Use nothing manticles - scatter grenades only.
Space magic!
Get 20 kills in one game using only Husk of the Pit
The floor is lava!
No No no no. Here's a better one. Mr fruit we challenge you to be less annoying. Ha ha bet he can't do that one.
No Land Beyond only Trials of Osiris. Queenbreaker bow only Trials of Osiris.
easy titan shoulder charge
Get laid
Get above a 2.0 KD using Necrochasm
Solo Crota with Khvostov
Get 10 kills in one match using only Gunslinger Throwing Knives. Using a Sunsinger, die at an enemy heavy ammo spawn right before it spawns. Self revive and kill their team.
I commented these on a lot of his challenge vid's Go positive in the cruciballs, and you have to be aimed down sights the entire match
Go positive in Crucible using only AoE grenades!
Do a skirmish match with only grenades and melee