BroodAsh7696 not Broodash7696 Thanks
GT: Ninja Star03 Xbox 1
GT-JrSayOW55 XBOX 360
Xbox360, CaptMill
Xbox one M3G4 MOGEN
Artic bacon 92 xbox one
Kerbs UK xBox One
Xbox one MSstatefan
Xbox1: Charwulf
You are d man!
Xbox one Vapor917
GT is same as name on here. XB1
Xbox 1 GT Rented prawn
360 GT is aherdamidgets
Edited by BroodAsh7696: 1/23/2015 8:25:59 PMXBox 360 GT: BroodAsh7696
Xbox 360 gamertag is chizrah
UPnU ScarTissue Xb1
Same as gt Xbox 360
Xbox one gamer tag is same as display name
Xbox 360 - SFC Chambo
Xbox1 - GT is DZastrophe
Xbone kootahkentei702
LSPower Xbox one
I added all of you guys so far and put yous in order according to letter. Now all we need is more people to post!