originally posted in:PS3 destiny only
No mic needed...lvl 272 hunter just looking for people to play with...strikes and stuff...add me if interested smiddie_jay0319
WhiteRyKnowX420 Titan 251: Started 5 days ago. I'm looking for active people to teach me and run gear grinds with. I do have a Mic. My preference is you do too. Just add my account and maybe let me know how you found me. I'm game for PvE and PvP
I've been doing nothing but crucible rather not have to do the entire story line alone. If you're still looking for people are me please! PureSanity
Send me a friend request bruh
Anyone on here want to join me and do some quests?
Anyone can add me kaynewestinee
If you're still looking for people to play with, feel free to send me a Friend Request. (。’▽’。) PSNID: luvkissjoestar
Add EL_Diablo_VIVIVI
[quote]No mic needed...lvl 272 hunter just looking for people to play with...strikes and stuff...add me if interested smiddie_jay0319[/quote] Add me Mr.txbl409