originally posted in:PS4 Raiders 1
I need 5 people for VOG normal or Croats end normal who are looking for all the chests in both. 28 warlock high level required follow me to play
Add me htk_donut im lvl 32 warlock
I'm a level 31 warlock pls help me in VOG I never got to try it I need some of you guys to help me pls I really want the Vex Mythoclast
Can I join m8?
I'm level 28 warlock also need to finish the vault and do Crotas end, add me Andy19763 happy to join whenever I'm online if needed
Send me a request, I'm a 31 hunter.
Sniper7523 lvl 30 hunter wanna do crota
If you're still looking for players I'll be on today, my main is a level 30 hunter. Psn: xDivmxnd
I am only a 26 but I need help with VOG normal this is my highest character. Could you help me? Psn: PapaLegend