originally posted in:PS4 Raiders 1
First of all, welcome. In this thread post your psn so other clan members may add you. This clan was formed to try and make finding people to help with tasks easier. Remember to go into interact and set as active playstation clan!
My psn is markjayson197 I already set this clan as my playstation clan I have lvl 32 warlock and titan, and a lvl 31 hunter I am only able to do raids on weekends... 8 am to 10 pm (MST)
Torrch99 PS4 Some nights during the week & most weekends. GMT
B_Minusx Looking to do the raids, weekly, or nightfall anytime I'm online.
PSN : XTehM0NK3Yx Looking to do both Crota and VoG anytime I'm online. Always happy to raid. Lvl 31 Titan.
My PSN username is team_v8_ed ...I need a solid team to do Venus raid with
My psn username is haltz19
Ginganinja2 is my psn. Lvl 30 hunter looking for some raid experience and people to run nightfall with.
I_killed_u_omg is my username add me I need to complete raids and none of my online friends play destiny!
L0thmountain is my PSN. 32 Titan, 32 Hunter, 31 Warlock. I am on every night and live on the East Coast. Hit me up anytime for Raids
Star-Lord1974 Lv 31 Titan, Warlock, Hunter All characters have completed sub-classes I'm based in the UK and am on most evenings. Looking for raid experience
BCRMA1 lvl 31 Titan
Jjowtf is my psn new to raids level 30 defender Titan add me so I can get some experience
Gradon22 Level 30 warlock, level 29 hunter, lvl 6 Titan I need friends for weeklies and raids thanks
J-FRIZZLE_1821 is my psn.
xXCHEFCRANKXx is my psn
My psn is markjayson197 I already set this clan as my playstation clan I have lvl 32 warlock and titan, and a lvl 31 hunter I am only able to do raids on weekends... 8 am to 10 pm (pacific time)
Zeus-agha ps4 see you in destiny guys
My PSN name is gnb_yunglean
I'm new add me PSN blackmoe33
Ssj5kalel looking for any help not only with raids but everything in general