originally posted in:PS4 Raiders 1
First of all, welcome. In this thread post your psn so other clan members may add you. This clan was formed to try and make finding people to help with tasks easier. Remember to go into interact and set as active playstation clan!
Psn gh02t795
Add me PSN: DointheNaeNae
Hii, my psn username is "shergillmanav" ima level 30 Titan (striker) Feel free to add me for raids or strikes or just for Fun ;)
Hi, my PSN username is "Jackesson" I have a lvl 33 hunter that is almost lvl 34 and a lvl 31 warlock but I don't use it that much, mu main character is my hunter
PSN BlueCroissant lvl 30 Titan
Hi guys my psn B14ck_B1ing I got warlock, titan and hunter all at 34 and always willing to help others with raids ,nightfalls, crucible and prison of elders etc feel free to add me fellow guardians.
snipem_22 alll raids and poe 34 warlock hunter titan
Hi my psn is DointheNaeNae; lvl34 Hunter, 32 warlock
I'm a level 28 Hunter and a first time raider. Any help would be much appreciated as I am in desperate need of a fireteam for various raids. PSN: NoF3earbutGod Thank you everyone!
Level 25 Titan psn: zurgenfeldt
Hello! My gamer tag is DrRoflWaffle and I'm a lvl 32 warlock, my void walker sub is maxed and I have obsidian mind. I have made it about half way through the sun singer sub. That is all!
Username: DaDrunkenClam I have a level 32 warlock, 26 Titan, and just started my hunter. I'm here to help with anything needed, especially raids
Psn super_burb lvl 25 hunter i really nee help in getting my first legendaries :D
Hi I would like to join. Thanks!
Weekly nightfall strike lvl 30 hunter ps4 - SoulxReconFTW
Looking to do nightfall or crota lvl 32 warlock add me htk_donut
LF fresh Crotas end normal add recklessisaiah ps4 lvl 30 Titan
Edited by FenderTele71: 5/23/2015 1:47:28 AMFenderTele71 Level 32 Hunter Looking to get through the raids.
Add bighyperrod lvl 31 hunter wanting to raid!