originally posted in:PS4 Raiders 1
First of all, welcome. In this thread post your psn so other clan members may add you. This clan was formed to try and make finding people to help with tasks easier. Remember to go into interact and set as active playstation clan!
undeadsystem Level 29 warlock
Edited by YoungBKGamers: 3/6/2015 2:27:16 AMLevel 31 Titan, Level 30 Hunter YoungBKGamers
Edited by Alex: 3/15/2015 12:36:59 AMLv 31 warlock, started playing Destiny some weeks ago. Add me for raids and strikes B_Alex91
PSN: RichyA23 lvl 30 hunter
Psn bazingajoe123 lvl 31 titan and lvl27 hunter
Lookitsjimpi Lvl 31 Warlock Void and Singer Mic Experienced
lvl 32 Titan, PSN is T1TO_22
Psn is ev1ld0c have 2 lvl 31 titans add me willing to help with whatever raid, strike, bounties etc just invite
Level 29 hunter looking for people to do the vault of glass. PSN is WillyNilly1025
Lvl 28 titan looking for help with some raids, I also have 2 other friends I regularly play with that also need help, they are lvl 26 and 27 titans
One level 30 hunter completed Crota Raid, have raid gear and raid weapons, not yet completed VOG. PSN name lowMain007.
Hey everyone. Lvl 30 Hunter. Have some maxed weapons. Some raid experience with VOG. Haven't done CE yet. Add me. :)
Lvl 31 hunter psn: Lolalaughsalot
Level 31 warlock
Level 32 titan, 32 warlock, and 32 hunter with all raid gear and exotic weapons like 3 gjallys 3 icebreakers 3 vex mytho's.
Edited by Sniper7523: 3/2/2015 3:51:58 AMLvl 30 hunter psn sniper7523 online most of the day
Lv30 warlock psn baylee1070 new to destiny
Edited by josuuuhhh: 3/2/2015 1:45:35 AMVog hm lvl 29 hunter psn saechao_907
I'm new and want to raid more add themariner85 31 Titan and 30 warlock
Lv 31 tian looking to do hard Crota fresh
Psn: FancyNarwhalzz I need to do vault of glass lvl 30 titan
Hey I'm new in on PS3 and ps4 I need someone to do crota on hard crota checkpoint if you can help that'd be great also my user name is the same for PS3 and 4 it is Camaro_200 I'm level I'm half way to level 32 and I'm a Titan thx if you can help me out
I'm on ps4 lvl 31 hunter looking for raids psn same as above
Lvl 28, LVL 30, and Lvl28 all set and ready to go need 3 more people. Want to beat VOG RAId !
GT: Bulldog455 Guardian: Level 25 Warlock
Anyone wana do raid ? We're 2 and we need 4 please , PSN ID : QaDSaWY22