Raven Elite
"Predator or prey?"
originally posted in:Raven Elite
Hey guys! A lot of you have been asking me when raid day was, and it's finally scheduled! Raid Day will be held on Saturday, April 4th from noon Eastern time to 2:00pm Eastern time. Once Raid Day starts, message the following people for help. Here is the list, what console, and which raid they will be helping with:
Me (KJPAPS) - Hard mode Crota's End:: Xbox One, then will be doing Nightfall and weekly
PandaOps101 - Normal Crota's End:: Xbox One
Ghostirq - Hard mode Vault of Glass:: Xbox One
Flight II Win - Normal Vault of Glass:: Xbox One
FlameJ75 - Normal Vault of Glass:: Xbox 360
Vythex - Hard mode Vault of Glass:: Playstation 4
BeAfraid11354 - (possibly not going to be able to attend):: Hard mode Crota's End
Hope to see you there!