3 things I can run from a blade dancer and storm caller and then snipe them other thing is I can't run from a sun breaker and I can't 1 shot snipe them and what type of God are you to usually snipe a sun breaker in the head mid game last but not least I can't even 1 shot blade dance them or golden gun while they hit my in 1 shot that's the dumbest thing I've seen in history thank god their looking into it more
Stop nerfing in general.
Bungie needs to nerf Stormtrance
Salty illiterate Titans eh?
The community fears us. We must rule them as gods....angry gods...mwhahahahahahaha
But you can kill a stormcaller so easy. The freaking sunbreaker is super hard to kill. I've seen people get over half their kills with the freaking hammer of sol. Pvp is mainly about gun skill with supers used to be tactical. I feel like most of the supers are averaging a little less than 2 kills a game on average. For sunbreakers I'm guessing it's goin to around 3.2 per game. Maybe even higher.
[quote]Ever hunter and warlock thought titans were junk, weak and not very good in pvp. Now there scared of them and plead for a nerf. Stormcaller last longer than sunbreaker even if they are dissipating lightening through their hands. Their melee range of is the same distance as a felwinters. Lets nerf that while were at it Also both classes have blink titans don't nerf that too. All supers could be nerfed and people would still Bitch & complain about it . sign below if you agree that Titans shouldn't get a nerf ![/quote] https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=LLfGrChMUah99FtoOJnCa5zg&v=Tg8B4R3zRuo Yes let's save this super 😂 watch the vid
Let me say one more thing regarding armor. Why is that huntlocks feel they should have equal armor as Titans? Let's forget stats and light. Let's just look at our characters. Who do you think would have the most armor and damage resistance. Could it be the hunter with their mighty spandex and Robin Hood cloak? Noooo. Could it be the frail looking warlock. With the mighty grandma moo moo dress? No way Could it be the stoic looking Titan. With his shiny full body armor. Similar to a medieval knight. Hmmmm Do huntlocks possess magical spandex and dresses? Do tell.
People keep saying that you can't one headshot a sunbreaker on a super but this is not exactly accurate. What they should be saying is that they can't one headshot using their favorite sniper because there are 3 snipers currently that can do the job and 1 out of these can be taken where lvl advantages are on. Now before someone gives me that whole crap about you play with one Titan this is my new account. I have an old account where i mained a Warlock since beta but I decided to change because I didnt like my old psn id... anways back to the point. Before ToO my favorite sniper was praedyth's revenge but that sniper can't take a shielded guardian. So I had to pick a sniper that has more impact. If you really want to snipe a Sunbreaker why can't people run with the Black Spinole if they really want to take a Sunbreaker down with 1 headshot...
Its funny when people cry nerf cause they cant counter subclasses iam mainly a hunter but i have both a titan and a warlock and the Hammer doesnt need a nerf if anything just a slight and i mean a super slight armor nerf but leave it as it is. It honestly isn't hard to counter the Hammer just requires a little knowledgeof the subclass This hunter supports the titans
Titans are obviously still the worst if they need such a crutch.
The range on the Stormcaller is best for close range,it's armor is shit compared to sunbreaker, sunbreaker a have stupid range and explosive radius. Warlocks and hunters have blink so it should get nerfed? What type of logic is that I guess every class specific perk and jump should get nerfed. Every little bitch that bumped this has no interest in balancing the game for the better of every class and improvement of this game.
I'm a hunter, and I couldn't care about sunbreaker titans... I'll just tether your ass the minute you super. Gl
You sir are everything wrong with destiny
No they should bladedancer, sunsinger now sunbreaker. Plus titans are very powerful in pvp always have been. Its all about the player.