African War Tribe
"Sound the War Drums (Rank 1)"
originally posted in:African War Tribe
Hello! My GT is Slerzie and I play on my Xbox 360 whenever I get a chance to! My main character is a 33 Hunter with maxed out skill trees but I also have a 30 Voidwalker Warlock. I'm in GMT -8 (PST) and I'm usually gone from 8 AM- 3 PM on weekdays (whenever that may be in your Timezone), So I'm pretty free to grab for a raid or strike outside of those times. Although I mainly play PvE I wouldn't say I'm too terrible in the crucible if my Teammates have my back, still wouldn't be comfortable in the Trials though :P Although you should note that I don't have a mic and my TV is terrible at picking up Voice Chat so I probably won't be able to respond to much.