If anyone wants to add I'm down for anything 360 Gt FoxRiderz13 Titan 291
Would love to join shoot me a invite I'm on 360
New to AWT so just wanted everyone to know that if anyone wants any help or is looking to do some strikes or raid you can throw me an invite anytime I'm on...thanks
Add me to play destiny I'm A 302 hunter new to this clan add me on xbox one to play Ju5tLnsane
Just wanted to say hey New guy here. Usually playing destiny from 6pm to 10 pm eastern daily and more on weekends On Xbox one. Account is Rage and Chaos Feel free to add me.
Hello everyone. Just joined. Xbox one 295 titan, 293 warlock 189 hunter. Working on the latter half of quests for the titan and hunter. Ready to try the raid. Playtime varies but usually on most of Monday or Tuesday Gt purewitz
Howdy all, new member looking for people to play all levels from basic quest and crucible all the way to raiding hard Oryx. The furthest thing I have done is Oryx and I have yet to down him. I'm down for casual play or hardcore raiding. Send me a GT invite please and just say clan member looking to wreck stuff. GT: Led4U2DIE Xbox1 Guardians: Titan: 291 With the checkpoint at sisters Hunter 294: Ready for a fresh raid
Gamertag: Azrael029 System: XB1 I am running a Sunbreaker Titan at light 224 and lvl 40. I am up for helping out in any way I can. I live in South Korea (GMT +9) so I may not be on all of the time, but I will do my best.
Any 360 players looking to farm/strike/court of Oryx it up the message beigelafresh89 Level 40 Light 206 Live in Illinois (Chicagoland baby!) So I'm in cst
Trying to do nightfall for two of my classes and want to do Crotas end on x360 all my classes are 34.lets do work
Edited by animata_mentis07: 9/10/2015 8:05:08 AMPoE all (tomorrow, 9/10) All level 34 characters Ascended weapons I live in central time zone Great attutude and i think im a barrel of laughs. Ill be online around 3:45-4 pm CST oh and im on xbox 360
Hi every1 I'm Suppsoderr (New) & I just joined. Im a 34 on all my characters 365 weapons. Xbox1 PST . I need help in trials b4 reset just want helmet or get as far as we can. I have good attitude team player
Iron Banner and possibly PoE/Raids GT:xAnduril Xbox One MST Timezone
Looking to do trials GT:lakeeythellama Xb1 PST