Gamertag: VenomousFlex Time Zone: EST Online: Most Monday's, weekends, and weeknights (6:30-11) System: XBox360 Playing since day one, haven't run a raid yet. Lvl 34 Warlock and Hunter, Lvl 33 Titan. Interested in hard VoG mostly but will also do hard CE - I really just need some elemental primaries because I've never had any =(. Solid player who doesn't mind taking directions to learn, just let me know what set-up you need to round out the fireteam and I'm there!
Gamer tag - Rymarski. Time zone - CST Online - Most weeknights and free usually on weekends. Definitely down for some raids.
Edited by kilketay: 6/7/2015 2:10:05 PMGamer Tag - Kilketayy Time Zone - EST Online - weekends and most weeknights Did Crota reg, mostly carried through it. did first two fights in VoG never any farther. would love to see some content.
Edited by beeshaa: 6/7/2015 2:48:08 PMI've completed one, willing to help out people. Only done vog though Est time zone Lv 32 warlock Online weekends