Welcome to the clan :) if you ever need an extra help feel free to add me and message me :)
EST. What's mountain? Like -2 or -3. Not too far off unless a raid is gonna take super long for some reason. See you guys out there!
Hey whats your time zone? I know there's more than few of us who are looking to do some idiot free raids.
Hey your times seem pretty similar to mine. On every night less Wednesday's and Thursdays 6-10/11 and most of the day Saturday's and Sunday's EST. What time zone you in? I'll add you and feel free to add me and msg or party invite whenever. Always down for grouping up. 31 Titan, 30 hunter, warlock work in progress. Never raided but I raid in other games. (Hence no Wednesday and Thursday) and looking to get into raiding. GT same as above.
Are you on GMT? Trying to get a raid going tonight about half 7 if so and you/ you guys are free? 31 warlock :)