originally posted in:The Collective Anomaly
After my rebirth as a warrior of the light my Ghost and I floated through space looking for some thin that still worked.
Ghosts are strange to me.
"What happened here?" I asked my Ghost.
"There was a terrible battle, ancient humans fought for this world like they do now in the Sol System. I think this is ironic. This planet was glassed and the surface set a blaze and it now houses untamed wild life."
When he was talking I spotted something.
It was large, it was first hidden in some of the planet's clouds but now the clouds dissipated and it's true size exposed.
The Ghost exclaimed "that is a Covenant Super Carrier what is it doing still in tacked"
There was a smaller ship next to the ship it was sending smaller ships to the larger vessel. I said "what is that next to it?"
Ghost explained that that was the Fallen a race of scavengers. He also stated they were highly religious like the Hive, what ever that is.
Ghost said "they are the House of Vultures, they pray on golden age technology."
I said "how do we stop them?"
The Ghost responded "With help."
As soon as he said that a swarm of Ghosts surged from the cover of the wreckage. There were hundreds of them and they fanned out all over the planet searching for warriors of the light, like me.
/Thanks for liking this and I plan to write more and post it to a more public thread, thanks leave comments and give some feedback on writing/