Raidless Raiders
"Raidless Raiders is closed: Don't be afraid to ask , helping you *was* our task"
originally posted in:Raidless Raiders
Hey guys. Welcome to the Raidless Raiders! As our description says, we are a group committed to helping players learn the raids. Sooo, if you are one of these raidless players, we look forward to working with you! If you are already experienced, we're glad you're here, too! The more teachers we have, the more people we can get raiding!
A little background on the clan itself: this is the brainchild of Lasershot (my raiding mentor) and myself. We decided that there needed to be a easy way for inexperienced players to work with and learn from experienced players, so the Raidless Raiders were born.
As we gain more members, the group will also serve as a forum for setting up raid groups. Feel free to post in the clan forum or chat if you want to start a run on either of the raids. However, we won't just limit ourselves to raids. We'll also do weeklies, nightfalls, and maybe even some PVP from time to time. Doing those with clanmates is always better!
As far as rules for the clan, there isn't much:
1. Respect your clanmates. Please don't rage against people about anything. We're learning to raid, so mistakes are going to happen... a lot.
2. Listen to your teachers. Let the person guiding the raid do their job. They want to help you, and chances are they know what they're doing. Different people may have slightly different tactics, and it's always good to learn as much as possible.
3. Have fun!! It is just a game after all. Make friends! Make jokes! A 3 hours raid where people are laughing and having fun is always better than a 1 hour raid where no one's happy.
That's all I have for now. Feel free to add me and hit me up whenever i'm on Destiny. (GT: magicMike1019)
I look forward to playing with y'all!