I have all the items already, and I need to save my motes because I blew them all in week 1 of HoW, so I'll just be stopping by to show Xur all the strange coins that he won't be getting from me this week.
If universal remote had a burn I might bite, but otherwise, heavy anmo synth, gamble on a couple of engrams...
Bunch of engrams for shards... Horrible week, this one... Especialy as I'm a gear lucky - weapons unlucky drop guy... Got all the warlock gear I want from just about everywhere... Still need a few guns though... But, that's fine, as last week I got MIDA and Obsidian...
I'm getting some extra rest and sunshine this weekend.
Mask of third man for my hunter. Heavy ammo synths and that's about it really.
Saving my coins this week.
Heavy ammo...
Kind of annoying that he's only sold 1 new exotic since the release, I know it hasn't been all that long, but you'd think Bungie could tweak his stock a little... Hopefully next week he has one lol
Mk 44 good for pvp. Light beyond nemesis for pve and trials. Go fetch
Heavy ammo synths. Want to have circa 100 per character and same in the vault.
If I do the Weekly, I'd have enough coins to grab everything, but I guess I'll just get UR and LBN.
Just about done trying for Purifier Robes. All I get is Hunter bodies and Titan bodies.
Nothing....I have it all
Where's my Gally!? I would literally leave work and drive home if he was selling it ha-ha
The hell am I supposed to do with a primary exptic besides get it and throw it in the vault and let it colllect dust...
Light Beyond Nemesis Universal Remote 2 Chest Engrams...hopefully getting the purifier robes.
If I buy chest engrams with my hunter will only hunter chest pieces drop??
Only thing he can sell that I need is purifier robes, bones of eao, ram, warrior, gally and fourth horseman (that he can't sell).....
3 crest of alpha lupi (from146 to 177 int) 3 voidfang 1 lucky raspberry 2 armamentarium I did jump about 20 to 30 pts per stat, but still, wtf Xur?
I put shard but just because I already purchased the chest engram and it turned into another lucky raspberry for me
3 exotic engrams that is all
Same as usual. Not a damn thing. Cur long ago became useless to me.
Hopefully next week is better too many strength rolls on armor and already got a UR from dragon strikes right after the HoW dropped
Nothing. Another terrible week.
I don't know, it isn't even December yet. [spoiler] ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [/spoiler]