5 engrams,no purifier robe. I know when to stop. Xur will sell it anyway.
Loading up on Gjally rocket packs
Still waiting for Icebreaker...
Universal remote and the Light Beyond Nememis.
Worst Xur ever!!
[quote]Day/Month/Year[/quote] >:|
It's been many weeks since Xur has sold anything that I wanted or didn't have already. He's no longer exciting at all because of this.
Is there a new hunter chestpiece ? And if so... What is it called and what are the perks?
Edited by Ziggerastica: 6/12/2015 12:21:35 PMShould i get universal remote?
Heavy and that's it... Xur's inventory has been crap for a while now..
Getting tired of this week after week, sell something useful or bugger off back to the nine!
Bungie go -blam!- yourselves. . Sell the new stuff damn it! And stop being lazy! We had chest engrams last week.. I need a new game to come out and play.. this grind is pointless.
Uni remote for my exotic collection and engrams and synth
Black market coupon
Universal Remote has a Grimoire card right? That and a green drive for my green sparrow
Xur is full of shiite sell a new exotic for the other classes too or atleast their engrams again. Damn I'm salty for the first time in like ever
Are the stats on third man and inmost any good?
Yes! Light Beyond Nemesis needed that for trials!
Still waiting on ACD/0 Gauntlets and a gun I don't have yet (NLB and Gjallahorn) so I only got 1 chest engram and got the Crest of Alpha Lupi for my Titan! Been wanting it, now to upgrade back to 34
Sell the fuking red death again this is bull shit
I kinda just got universal remote yesterday from HM Crota so yeah... I also got red death : )
Edited by Mastersword88: 6/12/2015 11:18:22 AMUm its June 12th, not December 6th
Got the new robes from xur today... Didn't think I'd actually get something I need! Unless he sells new weps now I'm officially done with his loot table (I think) bar heavy ammo. Fridays will never be the same again...