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We Help On Raids

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    We're a group dedicated to helping people complete raids, nightfalls, exotic bounties and essentially anything that requires assistance in destiny. Need help with something? Come find me over on YouTube and give me a shout:

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originally posted in:We Help On Raids
6/20/2015 8:56:49 PM

Help in general

Hello, Im a lvl 32+ Hunter have three or four friends on Destiny that I randomly met through strikes and just seemed nice and helpful, unfortunately with this few of people its hard to get everyone together to do Raids and even schedule weekly Nightfall strikes. I have tried DestinyLFG I believe is what it is called and been added in groups for POE and weekly Nightfalls and a couple Raids, but it seems almost everyone I run into is a major Destiny snob and once they realize I don't have Ghorn and that I choose not to use a microphone I'm immediately dropped, without warning. even though I had said in the message no mic/no Ghorn, apparently they just didn't read my full message and just accepted the first person that responded. Overtime this happens I immediately get aggravated and quit playing sometimes up to a week. Being that I've only been playing a little over 3 months that is a big chunk of time Ive missed out on weekly Raids and Nightfall strikes all do to people who are elitist and frankly aren't people I'd want to do a Raid or Nightfall with anyways. One time on a lvl 32 POE they immediately kicked me off after they realized I didn't have a mic and left the group chat on and were complete pricks, I hadn't even got off a shot before they started ripping into the whole "to poor to buy a mic" thing. Anyways, from what I've encountered minus my four current friends the Destiny social community is garbage. I've even gone as far as to trying to do a Raid by myself and figured out you can only get so far and by the time I got friends coordinated to finish from that point the week was already up. Im familiar with the Raids up to the points I've been but still haven't killed Atheon or Crota and as for getting kicked of Nightfall strikes due to lack of a microphone I have no clue as to what that is about since I've finished those on a lesser level solo tons of times, and I believe coordination on a Nightfall isn't necessarily needed. I'm looking for fellow players who are actually cool and willing to help and acknowledge that !) I don't have or want a mic but can hear. 2) I am willing to follow their lead. 3) if they need help in turn I am moooore than willing to help with anything. I am usually on night time maybe 9 and on (PST), so if anyone wants just another friend on X Box One that is cool please feel free to hit me up with an invite or a message. - gamertag Mr Obi Wan 1985

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