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The Dynasty PS4

"There Is No I In Team"

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    Just don't be mean to each other. That would be my best advice guys. Realize that if you're a GOD at raids and you're running with a first timer, he's there to do his very best. So treat him fair and expect the same in return.. I see absolutely no reason that this clan shouldn't be all sunshine and rainbows. Lastly, if you're very young, all that I ask is you don't repeatedly scream in your headset when you're clowning around or getting excited. It's hurts people ears, head and focus very badly. I know you have a lot of energy and that's a great quality that makes you young guys extremely fun to play with. Just no screaming :) P.S. PLEASE don't call the little guys "Squeakers". One of my favorite people to play with is 9 years old. He get's excited and I politely ask him to turn his voice down and he does. He's awesome and any grown man that bullies a 10-12 year old child should be shot. Period :)

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originally posted in:The Dynasty PS4
Edited by D1v1n3x0n3: 4/2/2015 11:05:22 PM

Systems, Systems, Systems...

BEFORE ANY BACKLASH, THIS HAS TO DO WITH WHAT I SAW IN THE XB1 BOARD, NOT HERE (but still applies to us as well) the bit in the beginning i had happen last night, and is the most important. OK, first off i'm glad to see and hear everyone is being very respectful, and understanding to each other. That has to be number one for our groups to work. If not for compassion, we all fault as a species. BUT, there are times where groups are going to pair up with other friends of friends.. and that we have no control over. I leave it up to you to understand that we do not allow bullshit here. you need to be respectful. Age has never been an issue when it comes to talent… and talent (or lack there of) is no reason to bitch one another out for mistakes. We ALL know how frustrating it is to go on raid and not be able to finish… i get it. but that needs to stop in whole. Please, if you are going to bring your friends and clan mates together, try at least to stick up for one another. There is a huge difference between saying "dude, are you sure you have ran the sword on hard? cause you need to be faster. You want me to give it a shot?" and "jesus christ you pussy fagg0t can't you get your ass up there any faster?" see the difference? one guy is a dick, and another is trying to give criticism, without handing over razor blades. I know a few of you already, and i will admit, at first i did say to myself "oh great, a bunch of teens want to join" (me being 28, i grow very impatient.) BUT i have been carried so far, in the past few days by people half my age, and know 3 times the amount of the game than i do. I can't thank you enough for that, and also showing me that maturity levels, are STILL not correlated to age. More older players are horrible than young i'm seeing, and it's sad. again.. if you see this, say something… you would want a voice in your corner if it were you. also, NO harassment, will be tolerated by clan to clan… we are a team, if they are not performing the way you wish, state your position, and ask nicely to leave. (on the flip side, if asked to leave, don't bitch and moan.. just live to fight another day ok?) 2nd and main reason i started typing this… we seem to have some last generation players in the clan, and could care less if the tag says Ps4.. or XB1. and join only owning the 3 or 360. at least in our forum.. it seems we have gotten along just fine, and i have not seen any belittlement from one another. but alas, my eyes can't be on the computer screen full term. we need to police ourselves. i'm pleased to see when a ps3 player needs help, they state their wish, with "(ps3)" before or after the question, and i thank you for that. this IS a PS4 group.. notice the word "exclusive" isn't there. I did however see a small spat between a few in the XB1 forum, being a little different on their views of the clan, and what systems we play on. Nothing too bad, but it warranted attention i felt. I personally own the game for both Ps4 and 3. and i get both sides of the struggle. just please, if you are looking for ps3 help.. like i said, use (ps3) or something of that nature. thank you. Remember, we are all here because JackaL decided clans would be a good idea, and so far.. its been great i feel. the PS4 side already has hit cap, and a "PS4 II" clan has been set up, so if you know people who want to join.. don't hesitate to let them know, as long as you know they are fair minded players. The main, and only REAL rule he has, is kindness… just think about that before you go to slam someone for being somewhere you feel they shouldn't. thank you.

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