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The Dynasty PS4

"There Is No I In Team"

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    Just don't be mean to each other. That would be my best advice guys. Realize that if you're a GOD at raids and you're running with a first timer, he's there to do his very best. So treat him fair and expect the same in return.. I see absolutely no reason that this clan shouldn't be all sunshine and rainbows. Lastly, if you're very young, all that I ask is you don't repeatedly scream in your headset when you're clowning around or getting excited. It's hurts people ears, head and focus very badly. I know you have a lot of energy and that's a great quality that makes you young guys extremely fun to play with. Just no screaming :) P.S. PLEASE don't call the little guys "Squeakers". One of my favorite people to play with is 9 years old. He get's excited and I politely ask him to turn his voice down and he does. He's awesome and any grown man that bullies a 10-12 year old child should be shot. Period :)

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    1105 Members
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    9 Years as a Group
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originally posted in:The Dynasty PS4
4/5/2015 2:45:12 PM

New member

Thanks for letting me in. I guess I should introduce myself. I've ran destiny since day one mostly on the Xbone. Switched back to the PS4 now I'm grinding to get to where I can raid and be useful. I currently have a 28 hunter. I have raid experience from the Xbox and can run sword on normal still haven't attempted hard. Looking for any help and willing to give any. I'm always ready to run anything. Im usually on after 5pm eastern weekdays and on and off during the weekend. My PSN is shootxemxupx81. I should warn you guys though my "little light" is usually next to me when I play and likes to talk (my 4 year old son). I look forward to running with you all. Sorry I wrote a short story

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