[b]Wake steps off his sparrow in the Cosmodrome, his sniper sweeping the huge barren aircraft graveyard before him, shoots on round into a vandals head and looks around for more[/b] Hmm...
Hiding this so I never see it again...
Edited by ChancingIt13: 11/23/2015 3:47:42 PMRomii pauses for a moment, taking a deep breath before summoning up the courage to enter the Tower bar. She hates this place,she hates the Tower, too many people,too many faces she doesn't recognise. She finally summons up the courage to go in, and not for the first time she thanks the traveller that she's small enough to go largely unnoticed. Sticking to where its darkest,she's suddenly painfully aware of how wretched she must look. Her boots still caked in mud not yet dry. Her cloak still thick with snow across the shoulders and heavy with dust. Her armour hasn't fared much better, it's well worn and heavily repaired with whatever was to hand at the time it got damaged. If it had a colour once it has long since faded away, to an unmemorable greyish brown. Keeping her eyes ahead she manoeuvres her way to the bar, dodging a small scuffle that breaks out as she passes. Feeling like she's just run the gauntlet she stands on the bars foot rail and motions to the frame serving. It looks up and she slides a flask over to it, R:" Vodka and fill it up,and pour me a double straight up while your at it......please" The 'please' is delayed as she forces herself to be civil. She then beckons the frame closer and says something in hushed tones. The frame shakes it's head. " No, no Trinity" it replies. Romii's shoulders slump a little. R:" Ok .....Thankyou" She takes her flask and her drink to the darkest corner she can find that faces the exit, ensuring her back is to a wall knocks back her first drink of the night. (Open)
Kills a lot of guardians
All I read from this topic is "I'm a virgin"
Sad that the players have to generate the story for this game...
Wraiths Chapter 1 Wraith blows up everything -teamwraith
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The noise of a Thorn being fired echoed around the Skywatch in the Cosmodrome of Old Russia. The source was a Yor. It was not Dredgen Yor, for sure. It was someone else, a descendant, of him. And they weren't happy. [spoiler]Open to someone named Indubitably.[/spoiler]
It was there, then it wasn't. I was on Patrol with my new Red Death on Venus, when I found a strange mission. The transmission was.. odd to say the least. I ventured into the Vault of Glass to find a strange energy emitting from Atheon's room. My Fireteam didn't feel like anything to trust. We kill the scouting Vex, and approach the source. Axion Energy, they called it. They seemed to worship it. So we camped there, studying everything to do with it. My Fireteam was getting weaker and weaker, until I found them bowing down to the source of the energy. They then started to crawl towards me. They actually were attacking attacking me. I need help. The call to the Dark is getting louder. Get me out of here. I don't want to lose my family. Not again. It was there, then it wasn't.
"Told you I wouldn't get worn out Autumn....." Duvanix looked at Autumn and smiled (Open to Autumn)
The super devil is driving on his badass motorcycle no scoping bitches while eating out Bonnie Rotten dry and his partner Rick from the Rick and morty pistol whippin the hoes.
Suck it you tied she shah did a died kick sodium CNBC
Mavix slowly approached the guardian outpost, knife in one hand, side arm in the other. The dense Venus vegetation messed with his motion tracker, so blips of red popped up left and right, as if the jungle itself was an enemy. The outpost was abandoned for years, yet the vanguard kept on receiving signal after signal. It could have been a power fault, or even some animals accidentally activating the beacon, but he, to his dismay, was still sent in anyway. After creeping for 15 minutes, he finally reached the outpost. Outpost 17-D was built at the base of the jungle, near some vex ruins, the reason the outpost was built in the first place. He waited five minutes, checking for any signs of activity. There was none. "Ugh, this was a waste of time," he said to himself, "Ghost, prep for Eva-" he heard a rustling sound behind him. He quickly grabbed his auto rifle, flipped off the safety, and spun around, ready to take on who ever thought it would be a good idea to sneak up on him. (( You may join in ))
Edited by Indubitably: 12/28/2015 6:31:44 PMA Skiff was hovering at the cliff where Aries' death occurred. It was a strange color, green and black, with bright green flame on the sides. Several Taken Vandals dropped out of it, and a few Captains arrived via a Taken portal. Then, Erik himself followed. He barked a few orders in Elinski and walked to the edge of the cliff. The scarab on his left arm squirmed and made a series of noises ((think of a Predator's noise)). "He's here somewhere. I know it. Be patient." It quieted down and Erik dropped to the ground below. The changed Fallen followed swiftly. He finally came across Aries' body. He knelt down and pried his chest plate open, and searched inside Aries' torso. He grunted and held his hand over his chest. Slowly, a small tendril of Darkness made its way out of Aries and into Erik's hand. After a few moments, a ball of pure Darkness, Aries core Darkness, in fact, was in his hand. It was solid, yet it flowed like a liquid, smaller tendrils of it floating gracefully around Erik's arm, twining around his body. He shuddered as it stopped at the scarab and quickly entered it. Erik laughed quietly as the power flowed through the giant insect attached to him, acting as a place to store the Darkness. Acting as a conduit. "Switch was right, you know. All endings are beginnings." Again, the scarab make a small noise. "And this is mine." ((Open I guess))
Edited by Maulecule: 12/27/2015 5:47:05 PMI am pokemans trainer. Go, Bernie! Use oldmanface! [url=https://c.o0bg.com/rf/image_960w/Boston/2011-2020/2015/05/14/BostonGlobe.com/EditorialOpinion/Images/ca00984d51b344978bcf884fbb1b553e-ca00984d51b344978bcf884fbb1b553e-0-1323.jpg]___________________[/url]
Edited by mandog_123: 12/29/2015 5:20:41 AM"Ghost could that be the entrance to the Temple of Crota?" "Yes that's it, are you sure about this?" Asked ghost. "I'm ready lets get this done, that knight is going to be pissing it's pants when I deal with it." Diamedes approached the door of the temple of Crota. The door slowly starts opening and many ugly distorted noise escape from within. "Diamedes I suggest we get back it's a whole hoard of them" Diamedes runs back and gains good distance from the opening door. In a matter of seconds dozens of thrall come running out towards Diamedes as if they had a death wish and behind them acolytes and powerful Knights. "This is going to be interesting" Diamedes Unsheathes his sword and readies his hammer prepared for battle. ((OPEN TO ANYONE))
Edited by Varlerie: 12/28/2015 1:07:34 AM"Well, here we are on the moon." Open to Duvanix
Edited by DGC LemanRuss: 12/27/2015 12:48:29 AM"Tell me again why we signed up for this," Asked the ghost . "You tell me," drawled Brimstone. "Cause it was my understanding that the orders were clear enough." He layed on the ground watching the city through his snipers scope. 3 days had passed since he left the Tower with his new orders and in that time he hasn't seen anything short of the natural life retaking Old Pittsburgh. " You do know I can revive you if we run into trouble down there." "No ghost you wont." "What? I will have you know that I am very capable..." "I said no because I don't intend to get killed." With that Brimestone got up and slung his sniper. As he entered the outskirts of the city he unsung his trusted AR. Even reborn as a Guardian he was meticulous and slow as he closed in on down town. [spoiler]I thinks I did this right[/spoiler] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]
Edited by Holy FirePriest: 12/27/2015 3:49:52 AM[i]Guardians Line the tower Creating a path from the ship Dock to the vanguard table, A large ship flies in and Out comes Eclipse an enemy of the light and the tower as people have whispered. Two other titans Hold him by his shoulder as he is dragged His armor of his legs scraping against the ground as the exit the ship. His armor is cracked and broken his helmet is gone and his face is bloody. A third titan follows Holding the Red death in a case. As they drag Eclipse through the tower some guardians boo at him and throw whatever they can reach in his direction. Others turn their head and some just look on quietly. The rest....they cheer for what his fate beholds by the vanguard. To some eclipse was a legend, others he was a enemy. The titans hold hammers in their opposite hands Fire igniting them to make sure no one interferes. They approach the main section of the tower and walk past the vaults and down the stairs. They walk past eris, she says nothing when they walk past shaxx he looks down. He knew Eclipse, Eclipse loved to fight in the crucible. Finally they enter the vanguard area, Zavala And Ikora Sits there and watch this traitor of the Light being dragged. Yet cayde isn't present for whatever reason. Eclipse doesn't look up at the vanguard He just watches the floor quietly. Zavala walks to him and take his hand and puts it under Eclipse's chin and lifts it up to face him, "Hello Eclipse How long you have avoided us you and that cursed gun, So you have eluded us so much tell me who has helped you?" Eclipse says nothing and just stares into his eyes His face still dripping with blood. "No one will come to help you titan and we will destroy that gun of yours so no one can use it again." [/i] ( Open )
Ax pulled up to the starting line on Infinite Descent, ready to bring home another win. He had saddled his trusty steed when a voice came from the right. "A Fallen Pike?" They jeered. "I'd bet you won't even make it to the third lap!" "I hope you like Alphabet soup," Ax replied. "Why-" "'Cause you'll eat those words!" And they were off! Ax got ahead first lap, but was shoved into a pillar. He got back to third, and teleported in front of the guy in second. Second lap, he chased down the guy in first, right on his tail until they were at the jump. Ax flew into the side of the skiff, then rolled for a few seconds on landing. [i]Just my luck,[/i] he thought. He had barely caught up to the guy in third by the final lap. Ax darted in between sparrows, dodging each obstacle and hitting every gate. He was clipped by the racer in first, but teleported ahead towards the fallen walker. He made a mad dash for the finish line and just beat out the guy in second. After the race, he came over to the racer he met at the start. "That was some smooth riding out there," he said. "Second place is pretty darn good, especially against those guys." He jerked a thumb at Deej and Cozmo, chatting it up with another racer. "What's your name, by the way?" (Open)
Vlad is walking around the tower when he picks up unusual energy spikes. So he goes on his ship and flys away to Mars. He arrives at the Black Garden and finds himself at an unknown area before he falls to the ground. He feels down and powerless and the light slowly drain from him. In the corner of his eye he sees taken rituals appear and he is trapped. He says to his ghost "Get help or report this. Leave me and come back after. That's an order." Ghost leaves and Vlad falls unconscious. (Open to all)
Autumn was lying on her bed with Duvanix. "I love you."
Edited by ChancingIt13: 12/21/2015 1:06:39 PM