At Templar hard mode need anyone 300+ on Xbox one message Matthew2436 for an invite
313 Hunter. Looking to beat Atheon for NTtE quest. I am a veteran and can also run relic. Looking to get it done quick.
Warlock 305 Invite TO MARE OMO 91
313 Titan looking for atheon cp. Message Pro7MasterChief.
No time to explain quest. Message ghostly pancake
310 hunter looking for atheon cp send me an inv gt same as above
Have 2 for atheon cp. 308 and 304. Neep cp or group looking for two to beat it. Gt sharkhunter81 Xbox 1 Experienced raider. 100's of runs of vog
307 Titan looking for atheon cp. Have run raid tons of times, can run relic if needed. Xbox message aleanderxoo to invite. (No time to explain)
Need 4 for a vog message SwifT NiTroN
NORMAL GLYPHS CHECK POINT YOU MUST KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING 290+ light. Message me at nicksbossXD if you want an invite
Looking for 4 to help me run a first timer through the VOG! Message Noobzilla 06 for an invite! :)
Need three more for vog normal fresh message me for invite gt aaronthing
310 Hunter looking for a group to run vault with for the No Time To Explain. Gt is PunkassNerd
Im looking to join a vog hard, atheon/gorgon cp gt:shootersMNK
Looking for 4 to help me run a first timer through the VOG! Message Noobzilla 06 for an invite! :)
FinnRiddle99999 hunter 310 experienced need 4 for fresh hard
2 of us looking for atheon cp for fwc mission invite FxUxNxK 308 warlock
Need to get and kill atheonfor No time to explain, please message to join to help and get through please. Gt same as above!
Looking to join vog hard preferably gorgon or atheon cp gt:shootersMNK
Need 4 for fresh run 306+ gt same as above msg for inv
Warlock light 290 I have a touch of malice gt same as above invite
Hunter light 302 I have a touch of malice gt same as above invite
fresh hard vog 4 spaces all welcome gt enter delerium
DARKchris102 Titan lvl 305 Looking for any checkpoint just to do the 'No time to explain' quest.
Need 4 for fresh message shwanzzna for inv
Need 4 for fresh message shwanzzna for inv