Lvl 34 hunter Maxed fate bringer, vision, blackhammer, and ghorn Gt: loneshadow555 Looking to do oracle cp or higher
Lvl 34 hunter Maxed fate bringer, vision, blackhammer, and ghorn Gt: loneshadow555
VOG HARD ORACLES CP GOT 4 34's who know what to do need 2 more 34's who have exp msg "Jazzy Jonez" for inv
Need 5 for gatekeeper hard vog message gt above
Looking for 3 more gorgon checkpoint
Vog fresh hard gt squidlb
Need 2 VOG fresh hard. GT: Fus Hoo Jab
Need 4 for Atheon must be experienced Gt: amplefi
34 hunter looking for fresh hard vog run, invite me gt above
32 lock looking for fresh run done it many times send inv too GT: : pictur3mesmokin
Fresh hard vog Need 1 Msg gameboykai016
Edited by Cohub: 8/5/2015 5:44:49 AMNeed 3 for hard gatekeeper cp msg cohub77 for invite
Looking for a hard fresh run. Invite gamer tag khalcampbell
Need 4 more players for a hard run on VOG 34 and 33's only Send me a message for infant invite Gally needed. No BS
VOG HARD CONFLUXES GOT 4 34's who know what to do need 2 more 34's who have experience and wont die at confluxes msg "Jazzy Jonez" for inv
Looking for 2 more fresh run
34 Titan hosing atheon cp. message t kimster2724
Need 1 vault message gt TimBball23
3 34s looking for oracles cp hard
Need 4 more players for a hard run on VOG 34 and 33's only Send me a message for infant invite Gally needed. No BS
Hard VoG AT ATHEON. Need 4 more people. Please for the love of God be good at this, send message for invite.
VOG HARD FRESH GOT 4 34's who know what to do need 2 more 34's who have experience and womt die at confluxes msg "Jazzy Jonez" for inv
3 34's looking for Oracle cp
Need 4 VOG hard Atheon CP. GT: Fus Hoo Jab
Looking for a hard fresh vog team, invite me or message me for a invite. Please for the love of god don't be a noob.
Lvl 34 Hunter looking to do VOG hard GT: AWOL Gir