Need 4 for hard Crota message on here Xbox message is down for now
Need swordbearer gt above
Lvl 34 striker Titan looking to do fresh hard Crota raid invite UxorialCarrion
Need 5 Crota Cp hard Need swordbearer Message philsherr for invite
Crota Fresh Run Need 3 MSG SkiTzo rG
Need 5 for crota cp gt same as above message for invite 33+
Edited by JustLeTippy: 8/12/2015 10:08:22 PMNeed 4 for fresh run. Gt bosss187.
Need 3 for crota hard cp, must have tracking rockets.
2 Lvl 34 Hunters with 365 weapons and gjallahorn with experience we can Sword Bearer as well (looking for Crota Checkpoint) GT:Above Swag
Need 2 for Hard crota fresh run. Message me GT: MASTA SUSHII
Need 5 for fresh hard crota
Need 4 including sword runner for fresh. Message silent0595 for invite
Need 2 for hard Crota msg for invite my gt is same as above
Need 4 for corta hard fresg send msg for invite
looking for a hard Crota cp 34 Hunter can be swordbearer, or just gally Have max gally, black hammer, fate bringer Gt same
Need 3 at the bridge. Msg xb1 for inv.
Need two on death singer hard crota
Just started a fresh Crota on Normal. GT is same. Once we get to deathsinger I want to grab the CP on another character.
Need 2 more for crota message me on xbox one GT Ihavepesos
Crota End (Hard) (Crota CP) Looking for swordbearer 3 slots open
Crota hard fresh message for inv need 2 more
Need 2 at Crota cp message for invite Ix Cian xI
34 Hunter looking for crota cp Can run swordbearer Gt same Also, I have a max gally and fate bringer
Death singer CP HM Gt above.
Need 2 including swordbearer for fresh run. Gt above.
34 hunter sword bearer looking for a Crota cp Invite krispycream468