Need 4 for hard mode fresh
4 open slots for VoG Hard. We are at the gatekeeper checkpoint just before atheon.
Need two for vog fresh hard message for invite
i need 5 more for vog of glass on normal send solidGERMAN a message and i can invite you from there
Hunter lvl 32 but experienced looking for group TO JOIN at oracle! Got IB, and queens solar lmg. Playing with gf account^^ Gt is mscarletts
Atheon cp. need 4 gt same as above. Both experienced
Need 3 more for VOG fresh start All I ask is that you know what you're doing and have experience with the relic :) Message me GT: HOUSTONxWARMIND
34 hunter Message me if you need help with any PVE have beaten everything in the game multiple times and have run relic and swordbearer, I have gally, icebreaker, black hammer etc. GT above
34 Titan looking for oracles cp gt above
Need 3 34s for confluxes. Message my gamertag DrTrodders
Looking for fresh VOG. Either one normal or hard. Inv me. Gt: LazyLi0n
34 Hunter inv me gt S3CONDGAMING
need 1 4 hard VoG hard fresh run Gt same as above
Need 3 for hard gatekeeper cp msg cohub77 for invite
At oracles need 5 gt same as above. Message for inv
One 34 Titan. ParchedZohan
Lfg vault any difficulty I'm lvl 34 warlock with ghorn if that really makes a -blam!-ing difference. (Ghorn part for the noobs) GT: El Tiro Certero
Need 2 at gatekeeper
Need three at aethon
Edited by digglestein: 8/1/2015 11:16:48 PM
Need 5 for gatekeeper cp hard
Lf1 for fresh hard Vogfast run. Experienced players only!!! Gt same as above.
Looking for 4 for atheon chk point level 33+ experienced please..message nayrrox
34 warlock for vog hard fresh max gally experienced invite thankyoubp
Need 5 for gatekeeper ct hard
Have 3 need 3 more gatekeepers hard cp