I have crota CP msg Crazygamr523.
34 Titan looking for normal crota Fresh, bridge, or deathsinger cp Invite gt above
34 hunter at crota hard cp need 1 more my gt is same as above
Lvl 34 Hunter Looking for invite Max gallay and others Same Gt
29 Titan and 34 Hunter looking for fresh run. Gt: Elimin8orDaniel
Lvl 34 hunter looking to help with crota cp can run sword if needed
Need 4 for fresh run on normal. Gt same as above.
34 hunter at any cp or fresh Invite Gt: Merica chemical
need one for deathsinger cp preferably one sword bearer msg for inv gt same
Need 1 more for fresh
Lvl 29 Titan and 31 warlock looking for fresh run. The Titan is experienced so is the warlock. Gt: Elimin8orDaniel
34 Lok looking for fresh or close Max weap GT somfr3ak
Hosting normal crota fresh run. Looking for a full team that knows how to kill things with their two working thumbs. I will sword bear at crota. Message gamer tag same as above for invite.
Level 34 max gally normal crota msg bake22bb
Pro swordbearer message redstunnaboi
34 hunter for fresh normal Crota run. Lots of experience Invite Dr Snickerz
Need 3 for fresh run
Gt: MilkIsBest Lvl: 32 Hunter Going to do Crota Fresh on [b]Normal[/b] Msg for invite
Lvl34 warlock looking for any checkpoint Max gally. GT: Cryptic Purge
Lvl 34 Warlock looking for a fresh run Gt:Stealthodin
At death singer. Need 2. Msg for invite. Gt same.
Need 2 for bridge cp msg chuckyTHEbeazt for inv
Need 3. Fresh. Mssg Gunsept for inv
Need 2. Fresh. Mssg Gunsept for inv
Need 3. Fresh. Mssg GunSePt for inv
Need 3 for crota normal fresh run. Message for an invite