need 4 for fresh normal run msg killa link 2552 for inv
Need 4 for VoG hard. Have gorgon checkpoint. Message me on xbox.
Edited by XxWIAB ReaperxX: 7/1/2015 2:52:51 AMNeed 3 people for Atheon helping my friend through, send message for invite. Same gt as above
Edited by XxWIAB ReaperxX: 7/1/2015 2:53:04 AMNeed 3 people for atheon helping my friend through, send message for invite. Same gt as above
lvl 34, maxed gjally and raid weapons. looking for atheon normal mode. gt: ejohns95
2 26s looking for a team for normal VOG. Im experienced with full weapons.
2 34s at oracles need 4 Msg for inv
2 34s at oracles need 4 Msg for inv
Need 3 for fresh run message me for invite gt above
Lvl 34 titan with 365 weapons and gjallahorn looking for people to run Vog normal fresh then hard. GT: Above Swag
Lf normal atheon I have max ghorn Gt above
Need 3 for fresh normal
need 2 more for fresh vog nornal
Need 1 for fresh raid. Gt is o j0hn ramb0 o
i am lvl 34 with atheon checpoint need 5 lvl 34 message for invite gt molarlobster420
Need 3 for Vog fresh NORMAL GT: Above Swag
Need 3 for Vog fresh NORMAL GT: Above Swag
34 Titan looking for fresh hard VOG run, invite GT above
Templar CP hard .. Need 5 Count Payne
Lvl 34 Hunter LF VOG Hard. Inv getch325
Lvl 34 Hunter LF VOG Hard. Inv getch325
34 warlock looking for 5 experienced players for quick fresh VoG normal run, msg me at gt same as above for inv.
Looking for a VoG normal group that can carry me a little. New to the whole raiding thing in this game. 32 warlock, gt: Madfang
Need 4 for fresh vog normal
Looking for experienced players. Have to carry some noobs. GT same as above
Need 3 for Atheon cp if you want a inv message me