Need one 34 for gatekeeper on hard. Message me for invite at FatalSh0t13
34 hunter lf gatekeeper or anywhere before
3 34's looking for ORACLE CP HARD INV "Jazzy Jonez" pls<3
34 warlock Templar or atheon checkpoint. Gt booooones
Need 1 for gatekeeper cp hard msg my gt for an inv
Need 3 for VoG fresh
Need 1 for gatekeeper cp hard msg my gt for an inv
34 hunter need 1 for Vog hard Templar cp Msg me on Xbox for inv. Gt same as above Must have mic Must be lvl 34
34 Titan All guns 365 Looking for hard fresh run Message BigMcGou Thx
Need three for Atheon Hard cp. Message Sir Jackdaw for invute
Edited by Zeprexa: 8/1/2015 1:53:40 AMNeed 3 more for atheon hard
Need one for vog hard gatekeeper cp msg my got for an inv
Need 5 for Oracle cp message for inv Gt above
34 lock, max gally, etc. LF Templar cp on Hard. Invite gt SchmackyMD.
room for 2 fresh normal, and then a hard vog, message on [u][i][b]console.[/b][/i][/u] gt is name. please have mic and good raid weapons that are close to maxed, its not required. but if you cant communicate, and wont listen to team, youll be kicked. first messaged, first invited once im full, ill just reply full.
Need 3 for vog hard msg my gt for an inv (oracle cp
Need two for Atheon Gt highlife50303
Looking for a few ppl to run fresh VoGs hard. Two, maybe three raids if we get a good team together. Must be 34 and have experience doing it. Looking to run pretty quick. Lol. We got trials to do. Message for inv. Gt: X13eyond13irthX
Need 4 for fresh run hard vog Message me with class and gear GT as above
[b]GT:[/b] [u]Renegade[/u] [b]Xbox one[/b] [b]Level:[/b] [u]31 Hunter[/u] [b]Looking For:[/b] 4 people. [b]Difficulty:[/b] [i]Hard[/i]. Please send me a message (not friend request) on [i]Xbox one[/i] Send message to XBOX! [b]Fresh Run[/b]. ***V.O.G***
33 lock need a group for hard atheon this gt
34 hunter need 5 for Vog hard fresh Msg me on Xbox for inv. Gt same as above Must have mic Must be lvl 34
Lvl 34 Titan LFG to join that's at Templar cp
Edited by Lil Snoopism: 8/1/2015 12:48:22 AMNeed 3 for vog hard msg my gt for an inv (Fresh)
Need 3 for conflux msg me for inv gt same as above
Need 3 for gatekeeper, message my GT "Zrovom" for invite.