Need 1 for fresh run, GT same.
Need 1 hard atheon
Lvl 25 warlock for VOG normal: don't worry I have a 34 character so I'm experienced with VOG also have full legendary weapons! Inv me CrunchyNapkin17
Need 4 for vog hard gorgon cp message for invite gt same as above
Need 3 more people for fresh run of Normal, my gt is same as above.
Need 3 for fresh run VOG normal message indigorabbit6
Vog hard need mics and post pubescent. Gt is EVO223SNIPER
Level 34 Titan looking for Atheon cp on Normal. I have Icebreaker and Ghorn Invite: SulfonicBacon
Level 34 Titan looking for Atheon cp on Normal. I have Icebreaker and Ghorn Invite: SulfonicBacon
Lvl 34 Hunter with 365 gjallahorn looking for people to do VoG Normal I got Oracle checkpoint GT: Above Swag
Need 2 members for vog from gorgons labyrinth
Phoenix1534XX Titan 33 NORMAL Fresh run No requirements other then you being level 28 or higher
[quote]Need 3 more for vog hard fresh run message Deadsolver for invite[/quote]
Lvl 34 Hunter looking for a nightfall group. I have Max Gally. Inv plz. GT same as name
Looking for a vog fire team to join so msg me at gt: Laroldthapayrol
Need 3 for normal vog gatekeeper cp msg BA Defiance for invite
Need 2 for atheon
Level 28 Titan (with good wepons) Looking to do vog on normal Looking for any checkpoint My GT is the same as my username^^^^^
34 titan looking for fresh run
Looking for a fire team to help me complete vault of glass (normal). Gamertag - stever88, level 32 hunter. I have yet to complete any raids as I do not have a clan or group to get through any. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Level 27 Titan (with good wepons) Looking to do vog on normal Looking for any checkpoint My GT is the same as my username^^^^^
Atheon cp need 5
Lf1m vog normal atheon
Lf3m vog normal atheon cp
Need 3 people for fresh run VOG normal Leave gamertag for invite
lvl 34 hunter with 365 ghorn fatebringer black hammer and ice breaker. I'll take any cp or fresh run just invt me or msg me for VOG hard