Need 4 for atheon cp message suckmipopsicle for invite
Need 4 for gatekeeper cp Hard Msg: HAPPYxEGGxROLL for inv
Need 4 need people who can run relic
Atheon cp , need 3 more gt same as above
29 hunter i am experienced in VoG and can hear but am looking for a team to help me through on this character, invite me
Lvl 30 LF VOG run gt: same
34 titan LF fresh hard VoG Max gally Max weapons Send Invite to gt above
Need two for fresh msg for invite
Hosting fresh hit me up
34 titan LF fresh hard VoG Max gally Max weapons Send Invite to gt same as above
Need 2 for hard fresh
Need 3 for atheon cp
Need 2 more for VoG hard. Gally prefered Message DGK x Tweak
Need 4 fresh run hard vog Message TRAP MASTER 333
Edited by BlazeChronic559: 7/25/2015 10:04:43 PMNeed 1 for atheon checkpoin gt same
Need 3 more for Vog hard. Message for invite.
Need 3 for fresh gt same
Doing VOG hard Atheon cp add NBK-kiLLerJayce
34 warlock lf vog hard gamer tag same would like any cp at Templar or before
Vog hard fresh, must be 31+ and know exactly what to do. Msg me on xbox for inv.
Need 3 more for Vog hard. Message for invite.
34 hunter looking for fresh run or any cp before templar invite akantny456
Need 4 people for the full raid
Edited by IAN J 17: 7/25/2015 9:53:33 PM34 hunter looking for a hard atheon cp I have a 34 titan and warlock as well if someone wants to run it multiple times gt:ian j 17
Need 3 for fresh VoG hard run GT same as username
Need 5 for fresh VOG Hard...message xXkilltasticXx for invite