Need 2 for hard vog from oracles. Gt: sunbear2512
Hard Atheon CP. GT: Bluebellicecrea
Lvl 34 Warlock looking to join at Atheon. GT: Killing Methodz
34 Titan looking for templar or oracles
34 warlock looking for VoG HM Message: yabo916
Vog fresh run lvl 32 titan
32 warlock for vog hard
34 titan looking for fresh run inv reptaaarr
Need help? Inv gt z7 Swift
Looking for oricles cp message me if u dont mind sharing it or wanna run gt same as above
Looking for group to help with Atheon checkpoint on hard. Must know how to use the relic and know what your doing. Message SpecialEDsauce
Need 4 for vog gorgon cp (normal) Max fatebringer, icebreaker, and hunger. 31+ Message Philsherr for invite I'll appreciate all the help I can get
Need 4 for fresh run msg seifstain
Fresh VoG on hard 30+ message me for invite
Need 3 to do vog hard fresh run need level 32 or higher
We need 3 more people for Gatekeeper CP Hard trying to help my friend thats a 27 titan
We need 3 more people for Gatekeeper CP Hard trying to help my friend thats a 27 titan
We need 3 more people for Gatekeeper CP Hard trying to help my friend thats a 27 titan
In progress at beginning need 2 more players message xXANGURNATORXx for invite
We need 3 more people for Gatekeeper CP Hard trying to help my friend thats a 27 titan
Need 2 for conflux
At atheon need one. Message for invite.
We need 3 more people for Gatekeeper CP Hard trying to help my friend thats a 27 titan
Experienced 34 Hunter needs 2 for trials message RedivivusNut
Edited by VisualHawk: 7/25/2015 4:10:22 AMNeed 3 for atheon hard... Gt visualhawk We are at atheon
I have 5 need one more to do VOG hard oracles CP