Lf 1 atheon check hard
Normal VOG a need 1 more send a message to my GT: CoachBen7
One 34 Titan looking for gorgon check point!
Looking for atheon check point. I know what I'm doing. 34 Hunter. Not a great relic holder just so you know. Message me at TonedDahoud. Helping someone with moments of triumph
Need 2 more. Starting fresh but will start at oracles if you have cp. All 4 of us are 34 with max guns (gally, ice, vision,exc...)Experienced players. Gt same as above.
Need 4 Players! -Normal VoG. -Experienced. -Msg Me For Invite.
Need two at oracles before Templar on hard GAMERTAG is D3R4NKER
Two 34s looking to do fresh run. We have max guns(gally,ice,vision exc...)Experienced players. Gt same as above.
Need 2 for fresh hard VOG
Inv me gt same
Need 1 for atheon checkpoint hard vog message bestwest slayer for invite
need 3 for VOG HARD fresh run msg for inv gt: o JayP z
Invite me for any gt same
Need 5 fresh run vault of glass hard GAMERTAG is D3R4NKER message me on xbox
Lvl 33 titan looking for a fresh run, gt same as above.
34 warlock looking for fresh run
Two 34 looking for fresh plz send inv
Need 2 for atheon check point. Message bestwest slayer for invite.
Need two more players for fresh run message ratchet love for invite lv 33+
Need two more players for fresh run on hard. Lv 33+
I'm a level 32 hunter and have max gally
At atheon need a few people GAMERTAG is D3R4NKER
Lvl 34 warlock looking for 1st conflux or oracles Gt : xXdRADizzleXx
Need 4 people for vault of glass hard please help message me on Xbox one N3T KRONLLC
Need 2 34s for conflux CP. No noobs. Message for invite n