Need 4 for fresh run already have swordbearer
Warlock lvl32 search group to join for fresh run. Have max weapons and gally Invite gt:Ellemoe13
32 Sword Bearer Lf. Crota CP max gally. MSG in game
32 hunter.. Helping with any cp. can run sword if you need. Same GT.
31 Titan with max hunger looking for fresh start on normal
32 warlock looking for fresh run on normal. Invite bloodredeyez
Level 31 hunter just looking to help gamertag same as name
SB Lf Crota cp Inv gt above
Edited by Im Yoda: 5/16/2015 8:26:54 AMI have deathsinger checkpoint message me on xbox gt: IcyYoung Yoda. Need full team
Lvl 29 warlock looking for fresh CroTa on normal Xbox one.
Gamertag: Dark Abysmal Level 31 Titan. Looking for Crota's End fresh raid group.
Edited by BerserkNigums: 5/16/2015 1:00:52 AMNeed 1 for Crota cp message for inv
32 TITAN with GALLY looking for a group anywere
Have 2 for fresh normal crota We both have gallys Message Gibley250 for inv
GT SiCo20180, level 31 hunter, lvl 28 warlock. Only completed crota once assisted and would like to do more. Have icebreaker, truth, blackhammer.
Looking for 4 players on fresh crota raid on normal msg for inv
Need 5 fresh run gt same as above 31+
GT KC Stormtrooper Looking for fresh run 32 warlock Max Gally / Ice / BLack / hunger etc etc Plenty of Synthesis send invite in game
Looking to join fresh run level 31 Titan full gally gt LMNTRIX26
Need 4 for death singer message for inv gt same as above
Fresh Normal Crota's End, 30+, message me on xbox 1 for invite, GT is same as name
Lvl 31 titan Gally and ice brkr Leftysucks1854 Fresh run
Anyone need sword runner send me a invite crota cp only gt same
Edited by GeorgeIsBeast: 5/11/2015 1:16:53 AMHosting Crota cp need 5 players msg:GeorgeisBeastt
GT same as above level 30 Titan looking for fresh run
Lvl 32 at second bridge need 5 more