Need 3 more for fresh vog on hard, message LEWBAGx0 for inv
34 Titan. Max Solar, Arc, Void weapons. Need team to run Raid with. Send inv to same Gt as above
Need 4 for fresh vog message Dr pointblank
34 titan would like to do a hard VOG frsh run. Inv plz gt: ceratedstew
Need 4 for fresh vog message Dr pointblank
Level 34 titan max weapons gt phenix claw
34 Titan looking for fresh gt iundead 420
Need 3 for VoG hard add me Lunitic Husky
Need 4 for fresh vog message Dr pointblank
Need 5 people for vault of glass HARD MODE XBOX ONE message for invite Jacko4666
Need 2 for gatekeeper message me @ Trueborn MLG for an invite
In orbit looking for experienced vog hard players. Gamer tag Emsboy. 4 spots left
Need one for vog hard Athion check point
I'm a lvl 33 Hunter well exp. looking for a fire team to join. Msg. SFR King Titus
Have a spot on hard gatekeeper message for invite.
I have gate keeper cp msg for inv
Need 2 for hard vog 32+ be experienced msg me for inv gt same as above
Need 3 for fresh gt above
Need 2 more for VOG Hard oracle cp message Abob82693 for invite
Need 5 for fresh run. Gt same as name
Need 5 for fresh message NUCLEARxGOBLE for an invite
Edited by zRisingPheonixz: 7/24/2015 2:42:23 PMInvite me for VoG hard fresh im lvl 34 with max gally
34 hunter, max weapons and ghally. Looking for fresh VoG run. Gt fightclub18
Looking for atheon co invite my gt above level 34 hunter max gally fate ringer and black hammer
34 titan with max gally ice breaker and fatebringer looking for oricals or templar cp on hard