34 titan with max gally ice breaker and fatebringer looking for oricals or templar cp on hard
Looking for Templar or oracle cp hard got max gally gt: x iKA PredaTorZ
Need 3 for hard vog 32+ be experienced msg me for inv gt same as above
Need 2 for fresh
Need 1 more for fresh run. Gt same as above
34 warlock and 34 titan wanting to do Vog hard, invite GT same as above
34 warlock looking to start fresh but will join at any cp. gt solo oreo
34 warlock looking for fresh vog run on hard
Looking for Templar or oracle cp hard got max gally gt: x iKA PredaTorZ
Need 3 for fresh run. Level 33+ and experienced only GT: TheDutchButcha
34 warlock looking for fresh run on hard
Need 5 for Fresh Hard VoG. Be experienced and 34 with max weapons. Message here or on xbox to get an invite. GT dubaitaib
Need 1 for hard conflux cp gt above
Need 3 more for fresh. Have some xp please message for invite.
34 titan looking for 5 that know what they're doing for fresh hard. Message for invite.
i have hard atheon checkpoint message for invite need 1 lvl 34s gt molarlobster420
Need 2 for fresh hard VOG run gt above
Looking to join a fresh vog hard
need 4 for vog conflux cp msg Godzilla02
Level 34 hunter looking for any cp msg FutileTurtle5
33 warlock looking for fresh run GT: xHeadhunter08x
Looking for templar cp lvl 34 lock
need 3 for Hard VoG fresh need to of completed once before no noobs get this done quick Mic required (english) gamertag is same as username message for inv (XBOX ONE)
need 3 for Hard VoG fresh need to of completed once before no noobs get this done quick Mic required (english) gamertag is same as username message for inv (XBOX ONE)
[quote]Level 33 Titan with a max ghally looking for a Templar or confluxs cp can run relic invite gatorranger1218
Have Templar check point need 5