Have Templar check point need 5
Hosting a fresh run on hard, message me on Xbox for invite
Need 4 for gatekeeper checkpoint message for invite
[quote]Level 33 Titan with a max ghally looking for a Templar or confluxs cp can run relic invite gatorranger1218
[quote]Level 33 Titan with a max ghally looking for a Templar or confluxs cp can run relic invite gatorranger1218
Need 4 for oracles cp. msg Lil Hoffman for inv
Need 4 for fresh run
Have gatekeeper cp need 3 or 4 experienced players
Need 5 for fresh msg m for inv
Fresh VoG hard. 34 warlock maxed weapons and gally. Message Gt Craig Ragez for invite
Need 4 for fresh run
34 hunter with atheon hard cp. Msg me for invite or invite me. Gt the same
Need 3 for vog hard Atheon cp msg PackagedLion778 for inv
Need 4 for fresh run message Error Dub or Chaz 3696
Need 4 for gorgon checkpoint Gt:Lemondonkeyy
Looking for 3 Level 30+ player to do Vault of Glass on Hard on Xbox One on Conflux Checkpoint. No kids. Message Kinggold9000 for an invite.
Edited by SpeckledJimmy: 7/24/2015 11:13:19 AM34 Hunter Starting FRESH VOG HARD GT same. MSG on XboxLive for inv. Need 4
34 hunter LF players for atheon cp hard. Msg gt above for inv
34 hunter looking for fresh gt iundead 420
Lvl 33 Titan looking to do any level of VoG. Inv. GT is same
Looking for fresh hard inv BredDragonfly15
Need 4 for Templar cp. send in game message for inv .username same as gt
Looking for oracles hard.
Need 2 for gatekeeper gt viii Henry viii
Looking for Templar cp and will finish whole raid. Gt same. Can bring one person if needed.
Need 1 for hard atheon cp Gt is party sl0th Message for invite