Need 3 for fresh vog hard
Need 2 for vog fresh on hard. Message me for invite gt same as above
Need five at gatekeeper
I'm a 34 warlock Looking for fresh or oracle checkpoint Invite Bronxx prodigy Normal or hard!
Need 5 for hard oracle cp. must be experienced with the raid. MSG MRKA Truth for invite.
34 Hunter looking for hard mode VoG, atheon cp
Need five at gatekeeper
Level 34 Titan looking to do fresh VOG on hard mode Must have experience doing VOG and be good at this raid. Message me in game for invite
Starting hard VOG fresh run. Message me for invite , need 4 players
Level 34 Titan looking to do fresh VOG on hard mode Must have experience doing VOG and be good at this raid. Message me in game for invite
Level 34 Titan looking to do fresh VOG on hard mode Must have experience doing VOG and be good at this raid. Message me in game for invite
Level 34 Titan looking to do fresh VOG on hard mode Must have experience doing VOG and be good at this raid. Message me in game for invite
Level 34 Titan looking to do fresh VOG on hard mode Must have experience doing VOG and be good at this raid. Message me in game for invite
Level 34 Titan looking to do VOG on hard mode Must have experience doing VOG and be good at this raid. Message me in game for invite
2 people needed for atheon on hard msg GT above for invite
I'm inviting people to the Xbox One preview program. If you want backwards compatibility before the holidays ADD ME (before sending message) then send me a message saying PREVIEW. Then I'll invite and reply back. Gamertag is: xdirty rat
Need 2 for fresh Vog run. Message me for invite
I'm a 34 warlock Looking for fresh or oracle checkpoint Invite Bronxx prodigy
I have atheon cp on two characters. I need a team that's not going to spend two hours on atheon. I can run relic and have no problem with atheon. Let's knock this out quick!! Message gt PYRO KILLED U
Need one for vog message for invite gt above
Need 3 for final cp. Send me a message over Xbox and I'll invite you from that message. GT: Xdr chroniic I also have gorgon cp and CROTA cp saved on an alt character, message me if you want those and I'll invite you after we complete this raid.
Need 4 for Templar on hard
Need 2 for gatekeeper cp. VoG hard. Msg evilbelowme
Looking for one on Atheon. GT is bizzle4three
34 Warlock / Titan / Hunter: looking for hard raid (experienced) 365 weapons (Gjalahorn included) send invite and guardian preference to GT above.
Need 2 atheon cp