Fresh vog hard need 3. Message owns14.
Looking to do fresh Vog hard run gt sane as username message me gut inv
Need 4 people to do hard crota fresh I am a level 33 self res with gally Msg me on xbox1: DEX HypErr
At oracles need 2 gt same as above
At oracles need 2 gt same as above
Atheon Cp on hard msg me
Need one for oracles hard message gt above
Hate keeper CP on hard. Msg me if u know what ur doin
Need 3 for fresh hard run vog. Message Fightnight07 of untreated.
VOG TEMPLER CP HARD 34 hunter max ghally and all need 4 34's with experience AND RELIC RUNNER! msg "Jazzy Jonez" for inv
Need 2 for fresh. Msg giggitysaurus for inv
34 hunter for fresh run
34 hunter looking to do Hard VoG Got all necessary gear, can use the relic, know how to do everything. Fresh or any checkpoint before Templar Invite Gdogger231
Lvl 34 Titan with max gjallarhorn looking for fresh start
Need 1 more VoG hard Fresh! 32+ Msg TheKillHill
Looking for 2 Level 30+ players for Vault of Glass on Hard on Xbox One on Freshstart. No kids. Message Kinggold9000 for an invite.
Need 3 for conflux hard
34 Titan looking for fresh or Templar Gt same as above
2 34 Titans LF Templar CP or Fresh We are experienced We have Gjallyhorn We have VoG weapons I can also run relic really well Inv TheKillHill
need 5 for vog hard fresh run xbox one gt: AY BUBBAH
2 34 hunters looking for Gatekeeper or Templar cp on normal. Inv gt above
Need 4 for hard vog msg me Xgreencactus23X
Lvl 34 warlock looking to join fresh/ templar cp. GT: Killing Methodz
Need 3 for VoG fresh run. Msg XxModerator25xX for an invite.
Gorgon cp 2 lvl 34
Fresh hardmode run. Message in game. Gt same as above